I am a fun, charming, kind and caring individual, with a little bit of a wild & crazy combination entwined into my calmly spontaneous spirit! Like any normal person, there are times when I'm a softy girl but then again sometimes I crave a to be wacko tomboyish female. It all depends on what time of the day you catch me, and whether I've woken up on the right side of the bed or not, cause then I can be a total "Hell Hath No Wrath" Woman! But putting all the madness aside, deep down I'm a genuine doll. I try to keep my thoughts and my soul as pure as possible and I honestly do want world peace.

Modeling has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I had somewhat imperfect teeth throughout my childhood and most of my teenage years and that put a serious dent in my confidence for the rest of my life. With a few classes and a lot of work on building my enthusiasm, with a lot of help from caring people around me I managed to get over it and make my first steps towards my dream.

So in conclusion to this brief introduction, I now invite you to check out my pics, browse around, and leave some comments too while you're at it!  At the end, I hope you would have totally enjoyed the Amanda Khan experience!

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